This shoot doesn't seem to be a THORN in Nicole's side at all!
Here is Nicole Tompkins on the set of "Thorn", set to release in 2016.
We can't LET GO of this cool short film Alex is in.
Doesn't it look AWESOME?! Congrats, Alex.
We LOVE this picture of Lauren and Natalie Wallace on the red carpet!
Always wonderful to attend screenings with students. Here is Lauren Patrice Nadler and Natalie Nardone-Wallace at the screening of...
Congrats TIM SIMEK for booking Indie Film
Second booking this quarter... way to go TIM!
Watch JJ on the big screen with Kristen Stewart!
Joseph Julian Soria plays Rico in this military film about Guantanamo Bay. It's called "Camp X-Ray".
Way to SHAKE things up, Brock!
Brock Kelly booked a great role in the feature film 10.0 Earthquake. Check out his IMDB to keep up with his career, click here.