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Lauren Patrice Nadler Studios Services
Alumni Adult class 6 week cycle of scene study/ improv classes for ongoing students. $310
New Adult Students You must first schedule one private session with Lauren to qualify for the class. $135
Once a spot is offered to you, payment for your first 6-week cycle of classes is due 48 hours before your first class. $325
Online Adult Acting Class 2 month cycle of scene study/improv. $385
Online Teen Class 2 month cycle of improv classes. $385
Online Signature Improv Class 2 month cycle of improv classes. $385
Private Coaching Booked by the hour for Auditions, callbacks. studio tests, booked work, agent meetings. $140
Packages available and discounts for currently enrolled students available. Please inquire.
Set Coaching Price for Lauren Patrice Nadler to come to set and coach while filming. $200
Career Consulting Sessions for help on agent search, resume, headshots, Burning Quetion about Acting or the Biz, etc. $140 Booked by the hour
Payment Methods We accept cash, check, zelle, paypal or CashApp. You can send payments for services to for all payment methods.
24 Hour Notice Required for any Cancellations or Rescheduling

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